Specialists in steel tanks and systems for
dairy plants.


We know dairy like we know steel. After decades working with the New Zealand dairy farming industry as NDA Dairy, all of our specialised skills are now concentrated within Tīra NDA.

You name it, we make it with pride.

What we offer

We design, engineer and manufacture the best steel processing, storage and transport equipment for the particular needs of dairy farming. Installation and maintenance isn’t a problem either – we do it all with care and precision.



    Name Surname
    General Manager

    Email: Name Surname

    Address one

    Address line one
    Address line two
    Address line three

    Address line one
    Address line two
    Address line three

    Phone: +64 0 000 000
    Email: Name Surname

    Address two

    Address line one
    Address line two
    Address line three

    Phone: +64 0 000 000
    Email: Name Surname